
Mastering the Art of SMS: A Guide to Text Etiquette

Nil Chesky

In the digital age, we've seen the evolution of communication from lengthy emails to instant messages and, most prevalently, the SMS (Short Message Service). Whether you're reaching out to a loved one, contacting a colleague, or interacting with customers through iMessage, maintaining text etiquette is crucial. This guide will help you master the art of SMS, ensuring your messages are not only effective but also appropriately delivered.

The Importance of SMS Etiquette

In the vast landscape of digital communication, where brevity is favored, it's easy to disregard the subtleties of etiquette. However, just as face-to-face interactions require a certain level of politeness and consideration, so too does your SMS communication. Good text etiquette can help establish better relationships, create a positive impression, and prevent misunderstandings.

The Dos and Don'ts of Texting Etiquette

  1. Be concise but clear: With SMS, you're often limited by character counts. However, this doesn't mean your messages should become a cryptic code. Aim for brevity without compromising clarity. Keep your messages short, but ensure they still convey your meaning effectively.

  2. Mind your timing: Text messages, particularly those sent via platforms like iMessage, often prompt immediate responses due to their instant nature. However, it's essential to consider the timing of your texts. Avoid texting very late at night or too early in the morning, unless it's necessary.

  3. Consider your audience: The tone and content of your text should match your relationship with the recipient. You might use abbreviations and emojis when texting friends but stick to complete sentences and proper punctuation when texting a business associate or a customer.

  4. Use emojis wisely: Emojis can add a touch of personalization and convey emotions effectively in casual conversation. However, overuse can lead to confusion or be seen as unprofessional in certain contexts.

Mastering iMessage Etiquette

iMessage, Apple's instant messaging service, brings in a few additional considerations for text etiquette:

  1. Read Receipts: iMessage offers a read receipts feature, which lets the sender know when their message has been read. Use this feature considerately. If you've read a message but don't have time to respond, remember to follow up later.

  2. Typing Indicator: iMessage also shows when someone is typing a response. If you start typing but then stop, the other person might be left in suspense. Try to complete your message once you've started or wait until you have your complete thought to begin typing.

  3. Group Chats: When participating in iMessage group chats, be mindful of everyone included. Avoid sending unnecessary messages, respect everyone's opinions, and remember that not everyone might be in the same time zone.

  4. Use of Media: iMessage allows the sending of various media types. However, remember that not everyone might have the same data limits or storage space. Be mindful when sending large files or multiple photos and videos.


Mastering the art of SMS and platforms like iMessage involves more than just knowing how to send a text. It requires understanding your audience, timing your messages appropriately, and being clear and concise in your communication. By following these etiquette guidelines, you'll be able to make your messages more effective, respectful, and appreciated. Happy texting!

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